Zeolite Pure is our Premium Product

Zeolite Pure Is The #1 World's Best Heavy Metal Detox Product

The Best Proven Heavy Metal Detox Supplement That Is Superior To All Others Is 100% Natural Zeolite Pure! We Are The Leader In The Zeolite Detox Industry And Have Been Since 1989!

Zeolite Pure is the best heavy metal detox supplement that is unequalled and over 25 years proven to safely remove these dangerous lifelong accumulative toxins from the body! This will then allow the immune system to boost up and grow stronger to regain its ability to fight off sickness and disease to in turn enhance quality of life! Zeolite Pure is 100% natural and proudly (Made In The USA)  from a unique volcanic mineral called clinoptilolite zeolite in powdered form that is specifically micronized and further reduced to be between 0-40 microns of size. This allows it to enter in to detox the entire body through the bloodstream, organs, and into the gut where the immune system is located to safely remove the toxic heavy metals without any side effects to worry about!
Zeolite Pure is far superior compared to all other heavy metal detox supplements because it is the purest, highest quality, mold free zeolite on the planet to remove a lifetime build-up of multiple types of accumulated heavy metals that are considered to be forever toxins if they are not removed!
Research shows that it is a proven fact that high levels of toxic heavy metals in the body can overload, damage, and suppress the immune system. Detoxing the body is a healthy choice at any age however this is especially important for people that are exposed to heavy metal toxins in their everyday jobs. It is also imperative to be aware that the older we get the accumulative buildup of toxic heavy metals in our bodies can have many negative health effects to damage the immune system. This is why detoxing the body is so very important!
Airborne toxic heavy metal exposures into the lungs and bloodstream come from the smokestacks of factories and coal-fired power plants.
Farms directly spray and apply fungicides, herbicide glyphosates (Round Up), fertilizers and pesticides that are loaded with toxic heavy metals onto the fruits, vegetables, and grain products we routinely eat.
Zeolite Pure successfully targets and removes the many different heavy metal toxins that are often mixed in chemicals that contaminate the body. Removing these heavy metal toxins will then allow the immune system to grow stronger to fight and destroy bad blood cells, viruses, bacteria that cause disease and painful candida yeast infection overgrowth in the body!
This detox also includes the removal of toxic mercury that has contaminated the body due to leaking silver dental amalgams. Additional heavy metals targeted include other sources of mercury, lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Radioactive heavy metal medical imaging contrasts that include gallium, technetium and barium are also safely removed! Radioactive heavy metal fallout contamination from exposures to uranium, cesium-137, strontium-90, and others that come from nuclear fallout due to nuclear powerplant meltdown disasters and from nuclear weapons are also removed when doing this detox.
Zeolite Pure also has the important ability to balance the body’s pH more on the alkaline side for additional health benefits. This is why it’s the best heavy metal detox supplement on the market that is proven to be far superior compared to all plant-based detox supplements that include chlorella, cilantro, pectin, and others! It’s a fact that plant-based detox supplements do not bind well to remove the toxic heavy metals all the way out of the body. This allows reabsorption back into the body that can cause people detoxing with plant-based detox supplements to feel ill while experiencing a variety of side effects.
Why Zeolite Pure Provides A Superior Heavy Metal Detox
The natural positive charged heavy metal toxins bind 100% into the cage like structure of natural negative charged Zeolite Pure like a magnet while it is being carried throughout the entire bloodstream for the absolute best full body detox! The attached heavy metals toxins will then safely exit out of the body through the urine and stools with zero reabsorption! After the body is detoxed and the toxic heavy metals are removed, the immune system will then be able to boost up to do its God given job to protect the body. This detox will be a huge factor to help restore a healthier body and a happier life!
Beware Of All Liquid Zeolite Products
 Zeolite Pure Is far superior to all so-called liquid zeolite products sold by MLM multi-level marketing companies that often make outrageous fraudulent claims and now with scary boasts of using RNA nanotechnology! It is important to know that liquid zeolite products are routinely sold in expensive tiny eyedropper sized squeeze bottles that are greatly diluted with almost all water and very little actual zeolite powder included.
Zeolite Pure is many years proven to be the highest quality micronized zeolite powder and the perfect 100% natural heavy metal detox supplement! It is a true gift of health for you, your family, friends and loved ones. Do this important detox together! 
Our Entire Product Line Of Additional Zeolite Detox Supplements Shown Below Are Shipped Worldwide!
Do Not Purchase From A Shared Shelf On Amazon Coming From Who Knows Where!
NOTE: Only purchase from zeolite.com to ensure that your products are always shipped fresh and factory direct in sealed 400 Gram jars! Get the best unbeatable discounted price of ONLY $50.99 Per Jar With Fast Free Shipping when you buy the (Proper Detox 3 Pack) set of Zeolite Pure when you place your order!


Zeolite Pure Is Proven To Be The Best Safe Natural Heavy Metal Detox With No Side Effects

Advantages Of Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox

Safely detoxes the entire body to safely remove organ and immune system damaging toxic heavy metals.
Far better than all plant-based and liquid zeolite products.
Safely removes the toxic heavy metals in chemotherapy drugs after chemotherapy is totally completed.
Balances and restores the pH of the body for increased health and wellness.
People do not feel ill when detoxing with Zeolite Pure.
Boosts up and restores the body’s immune system during and after detoxing.
Safe for children and adults.
Easily to take and it mixes well with juice or water.
Safe for pets & horses, just sprinkle into food.

Zeolite AV With Added Natural Antiviral Humic Acid

Safely detoxes the body of toxic heavy metals to then allow the immune system to grow stronger.

100 percent natural. 

Includes natural humic acid that is long proven to have effective broad spectrum antiviral properties.

​Balances The pH of the body.

Easy to take capsules.

Zeolite Pure Heavy Metal Detox Is Far Safer Than Pharmaceutical IV, Rectal And Oral Chelation Therapy Products

Zeolite Pure is 100 percent natural and proven safe while being extremely effective for removing all types of toxic heavy metals out of the body compared to chemical based pharmaceutical chelation therapy detox products that mostly target the removal of only single lead, mercury, or arsenic toxins out of the body!

It is a fact that pharmaceutical chelation therapy products that include EDTA and Dimercaprol can cause organ damage to the liver, kidneys and heart if not dosed properly and for the proper amount of time.

It is for this reason that expensive ongoing organ function blood work testing must be done to check for organ damage and chemical blood levels throughout the entire chelation therapy process

Zeolite Pure is a safe easy to purchase heavy metal detox supplement and when doing this detox, it does not require any blood work testing at all!

However, some naturopathic physicians and people doing this detox will opt to do before and after heavy metal blood panel testing or hair analysis testing to discover and verify the amount of heavy metal toxins that have been removed from the body when detoxing with Zeolite Pure!